We invite you to join us for one of our choir concert performances, and tickets are typically available online and at the door.
Beer Choir – Singing is FREE – buy your beer!
Saturday, September 28th 1:00pm-2:30pm
Hop and Barrel Brewing
310 2nd Street – Hudson, WI
Buy your beer and join us for some fun songs!
Buy your beer and join us for some fun songs!
The River City Chorale Ensemble Singers
Sunday, November 3, 3:00pm
King of Kings Lutheran Church
1583 Radio Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125
Christmas with The River City Chorale
& Ensemble Singers
Make plans to join us during the holiday season for Christmas with the River City Chorale. This concert is a beautiful way for you, family and friends to gather and celebrate the joy, the magic, and the music of the Christmas season.
The River City Chorale Ensemble Singers Winter Concert
Each winter, the River City Chorale Ensemble Singers performs in and around Hudson. Watch for details coming soon.